Testing DTS Rules

The DTS rule maintenance screen offers a testing function. You can execute an active rule on an example data set to be certain that the logic defined in the rule works correctly.

NOTE The rule testing is not intended to test the priority handling or aggregation function for merge cases. As a result, the merged records are not condensed into the final merged record, and only values of the affected records are changed. You can test the merge and aggregation function only via a real insertion to the database.

Proceed as follows to test a rule:

  1. Execute the step Maintain DTS objects to open the DTS rule maintenance screen. For more information, see the chapter DTS Rules.

  2. A pop-up appears. Fill out the relevant parameters:

    • Table name for test: Allows you to assign an active table from the table pool. Search help with the list of applicable tables is available.

    • Field name for test: Specifies the field that is converted by the rule. It must belong to the chosen table and match the business object definition of the DTS rule. Search help with available table fields is available.

    • Dependent fields (visible only if the rule has dependencies defined): Specifies dependent fields. Similarly to the field name above, all dependent fields defined in the rule must be filled.

      NOTE You can use a value in apostrophes as the input for dependent fields instead of a table field, e.g. 1000 (as the company code value).
  3. A selection screen similar to transaction SE16 appears for the selected table and the entered field and dependent fields. This allows you to restrict the data for processing.

    NOTE The fixed value in apostrophes is not shown on this screen.
  4. A screen appears, showing the original data in the upper ALV grid and converted data in the bottom ALV grid. The application bar provides the following functions:

    • Filter converted records: Shows only the records changed by the rule.

    • Filter used columns: Shows the table key and converted fields.